Orions garden

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Autor: Donatien
Location: @laureldarling_ garden
Camera: AMI 6x6 Plastic polish analogue medium format camera oldschool
Paper: Kodak Polymax Professional IIRC F Glossy expired
Time of exposure: 26/03/2017 13pm-18pm
Scan: Epson Perfection V600 Photo
The suntrack on the sky looks like 3 stars out of the Orion's Constelation belt connected together ☉🌟🌟🌟☉
Splendid image!

Tagi: #solargraphy #solarigrafia #solar #sun #suntrials #sunpaths #suntraks #sunproject #followthesun #sunburn #cameraobscura #pinholecamera #pinholephotography #astrophotography #astrology #stars #orion #constelation #sky #mediumformatcamera #garden #positive #longexposure #lightsensitivepaper #kodakpaper #kodak #kodak_photo #analoguefeatures #delicious13solargraphy #picoftheday
Odsłon: 1802
Data dodania: 2017-04-03 21:54:59